There’s no doubt that in today’s digital world, social media is a major part of everyone’s daily lives. However, if you’re pursuing a Wichita Falls or Dallas car accident claim, what you post online can have major consequences. Insurance companies and defense lawyers will investigate social media in order to find evidence that can weaken and undermine your case.
Here a few ways social media can have a negative impact on your Wichita Falls or Dallas car accident claim and what you can do to ensure you are protected.
Your Posts Can Be Used Against You
Anything you post, whether it be photos/videos, comments, or location check-ins, can be used against you to challenge your claim, even if these things are taken out of contest. For example, if you claim to be seriously injured to the point where you cannot engage in strenuous physical activity but post a picture of yourself accompanying friends or family at a ski resort, insurance companies may argue that you are not as injured as you’re really claim to be. Even if it seems harmless, it can be misconstrued and harm your case.
Friends’ and Family’s Posts Can Be Used Against You
It’s not just your own posts that you have to worry about. Comments, tags, and photos/videos shared by friends and family will also be investigated and scrutinized. If someone tags you in a post suggesting you’re active in a strenuous activity, it can cast doubt on how serious your injuries really are. Piggy backing on the example above, let’s say you accompany friends and family on a ski trip but don’t ski because you are injured, but they tag you in photos or location check-ins. Doing this could lead to the inference that you are also engaged in skiing, which would undermine your claim that you are seriously injured.
Private Accounts Aren’t Always Private
You may think setting your account as private provides you some protection, but insurance companies and defense lawyers can still request access through a legal process called discovery. Some courts have allowed social media content to be used in court as evidence in personal injury cases. This means that private posts can still be obtained and used against you.
Statements About the Accident Can Be Used to Discredit You
Anything you say about the accident on social media can be used against you. Even an innocent comment like “I’m feeling better” or “I’m not feeling too bad” can be twisted around to suggest that you are exaggerating your injuries.
How to Protect Your Wichita Falls or Dallas Car Accident Claim
- Avoid Posting About the Accident: Refrain from having any discussion on social media about your accident.
- Limit Your Activity: The less you post, the less ammunition you give the other side.
- Ask Friends and Family to Avoid Tagging You: Inform close contacts not to post about you or tag you.
- Adjust Privacy Settings: While not foolproof, making your account private can provide at least some level of protection.
- Consult Your Attorney: Before you post anything, speak with your lawyer about potential risks.
Contact a Wichita Falls and Dallas Car Accident Lawyer
If you or anyone you know has been in a car accident in Wichita Falls or Dallas, contact our car accident lawyer either by calling one of the numbers listed below or filling out our contact form. For Wichita Falls car accidents, contact us at 940-569-4000. For Dallas car accidents, contact us 945-295-0014. We will give you a free evaluation of your case and offer you helpful information on how to proceed.